Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you work?

We are based in The Hamptons and we often travel to Manhattan. We also are available for traveling around the country and wherever you want to take us.

How long will it take to organize?

It depends on the size of the project but the minimum service time is three hours. We hold an initial complimentary consultation where we let you know in advance an estimate price for the organizing project.

Why do you need a professional organizer?

The average American spends over 14 hours per week on chores and tasks related to tidying up, and less than 4 hours on relaxation or meaningful time with family. Having a well planned and professionally designed system of organization that is customized to you, will save you an abundance of time week after week, and year after year. Not only will you know exactly where to find each and every one of your belongings right away, but the act of “tidying up” will be dramatically simplified, streamlined and enjoyable from this point on : ) 


Do I need an initial consultation?     

Yes. The initial consultation allows us to evaluate the space(s), take measurements, pictures and learn about your unique needs so that we can devise an effective strategy for you. 

What Forms of Payment do we accept?

We accept cash, checks, ACH transfer, CC and you can also pay us with the Venmo or Zelle apps.